July comes with an extension to June’s invitation to slow down and rest. We’re in Cancer season and there's an overall theme of putting things on pause. This month is for dreaming, reading and intimate connection - especially the one with yourself.
If you’re in the northern hemisphere then you might already be on vacation, enjoying the summer weather, spending more time outdoors, or with friends and family. This month is encouraging you to forget routines and schedules and just let everything flow for a while. If you’re in the southern hemisphere, some nesting, tending to your home and cozying up with some comfort food or spending a weekend reading in bed might be just what’s needed.
If you are stressed out in any way or have been running too fast I recommend you go back and read The Numerology Forecast for June. July could bring you new and interesting people to connect with but the initial meetings could be in the shape of a misunderstanding or a mishap. If you’re too frazzled you might miss the opportunities altogether. This month also offers you the opportunity to expand on the relationships in your life, conversations of a more philosophical or playful nature could open you up to new perspectives.
There is always creativity and childlike wonder on the menu when Leo season rolls around at the end of July and carries us into August, but it feels like the collective inner child is a bit tired and really needs some space to recuperate. If your creative and sensual energies have been low then be patient and have faith that with consistent attention and nurturing the fire will come back.
July wants you to dream and tend to some of the fragile and lightest aspects of your inner world. Have you ever been shamed for being naive, sensitive, impressionable, romantic, nostalgic, emotional or imaginative? Told off for feeling too much, daydreaming or believing in people who turned out to be untrustworthy? Were you told that your dreams were ridiculous, impractical or stupid? Was there a disconnect between the story your family told the world and what your reality was?
I recently found an old family story for myself that I had to dismantle - the story was “In this family, we don’t dream.” I realized that it hadn’t put a damper on my dreaming but more on my belief that I could go after and voice my dreams out loud. July feels like a good time to let the light shine on the dreamer in you. Acknowledge that some part of you needs to dream, and that not all dreams turn into ambitions or need to be profitable.
The cards I pulled this month are from Tosha Silver's Divine Offering Deck which uses different words throughout for the divine/god/source so adapt them to your own preference if you’d like.

Doubt - Offering All to the Divine doesn’t mean negativity never arises. But you can say “Free me from this prison of doubt. I cast this burden to You. Show me Your will and restore me to faith and confidence.”
Creative block - If you are an artist of any kind, you can offer all work to the Divine, making it God's alone. I offer this for the Highest Good to benefit the planet. Release me from any blocks and restrictions- May this serve all who need!
Love - It’s not about finding Love. You are Love Itself. Help me, Lord, to send so much compassion and caring to the Inner Child that I always remember, “I myself am Love.”
I'm following the energy again this month and have limited my calendar to only a few open days for name change sessions and readings. I hope you get to follow the energy too in whatever way works for you.
100% Love
Novalee Wilder
Professional Numerologist + Writer
PS: Do you love reading these forecasts? Share them with your friends!