Hello, lightworker and professional numerologist-to-be!
Enrollment is closed! Please sign up for the list to get notified when the next round of group classes will be held.
The Numerology School's next class of students are getting initiated into the line of lightworkers who are elevating the vibration of the world. We're fully online so you can join from anywhere in the world!
On this page, you'll get the inside scoop on the training, name change, and practical, ethical, and personal information you need to know before applying to The Numerology School. If you have any questions please send them my way.
First and foremost - thank you for following the nudge from within to learn more about numerology and seeking out the best training available! The fact that you’re interested in these teachings, and the tools of transformation and personal understanding that Chaldean numerology offers means that you’re called to serve the Light.
You might be here because you have a specific purpose centered around mastering and helping others with these tools. Or it could be that you need them to help step into your own light and purpose. No matter the reason I'm so happy you're here!
As you enter this training you'll be surrounded by like-minded souls and we will support you and your path. I’m welcoming you into the group of lightworkers that form The Numerology School and its mission to lift the world’s vibration, one name change at a time. Thank you for answering the call!
Nothing else has brought about such immense and profound change in my life as my name change and the continued study of the world of vibration. I'm honored to offer the training and help others claim their full potential.
100% Love
Novalee Wilder
Professional Numerologist, Writer, and Founder of The Numerology School

A Journey From Initiation through Apprenticeship to Mastery

Diversity, Inclusivity and Ethics
Diversity*, inclusivity, and ethics are core values of The Numerology School. We want a diverse class of students not just for the depth and scope it lends to the shared learning space but to serve the diverse clients you will work with after certification.
I want to extend my personal invitation to anyone who feels the call to study numerology and who belongs to a minority group or background that does not mirror mine. Gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, or disability** should not be a barrier for wanting numerological insights, a name change, or the training to become a professional numerologist.
We want more black, brown, indigenous, ethnic, religious, linguistic, LGBTQIA+, and other minorities to serve their communities with the tools of numerology. It's part of my work to make sure that the people who seek out the help of a professional numerologist have the choice to do so from someone who understands their background and possible challenges in the naming process that differs from the majority.
Strong ethics and empathy are requirements of admission, and part of your future work as a professional numerologist. We will discuss this responsibility and how to be in integrity and service during the training.
My own path has to do with igniting the light in others and so my goal is to make you the finest, most competent, and confident lightworker that has ever worked with the changing of names and destinies.
The more people who work with numerology and light on the highest possible levels the better our collective future looks. Over time I hope to witness the birth of schools and training from the students that attend The Numerology School now. May you see, honor, and work for the Light on all levels and through all time.
*One Partial Diversity Scholarship with a 25% reduction in tuition cost is available for each class. **Got accessibility questions? Reach out here.
Your Soul's Plan
Going through the training to become a professional numerologist is like stepping through the veil and getting to see the workings of the world on a vibrational level. Your personal growth and inner journey are just as much part of the training as the esoteric knowledge you'll receive.
The training will teach you everything you need to become a professional numerologist and how to change the names of people, businesses, children, animals, and all entities. You'll be able to choose days of formation and creation of companies and products. Pick out titles that sell, set prices that invite in the right buyer and support, lift, and transform lives beyond your own.
As you enter this training you will be initiated into and be the keeper of knowledge that goes beyond the personal and deals with vibration on all levels. At the same time learn more about how you have planned to experience this lifetime. You'll get insights into your soul's plan for this incarnation as you integrate this wisdom and grow along with your unique life lessons.
Learning Chaldean numerology will change your perspective on the world and your place in it. During your initiation, you’ll be able to look beyond the present moment and into the deeper layers and reasons behind the unfolding of your life. We will expand your toolbox so you can be prepared and take responsibility for the journey.
Name Change and Release during the training
When we ask others to trust us with a name change we must know on all levels what this shift means. That’s why it’s a requirement for becoming a Professional Numerologist to have your own name adjusted. We must embody what we teach and the tools we use. If you have yet to change your name with the help of numerology but would like to become a professional numerologist, a name change will be part of the training.
If you already have a harmonious name after working with Novalee or another numerologist you might still be interested in walking through the options and as part of your training, you can choose to work on them for your own understanding.
Some of the students in the course will be going through the initial release - the first 6-12 months after a legal name change. Other students will adjust their numeroscope and enter a new period of release. We build community and common ground by sharing about our process and deepening the understanding of our experiences.
I love your approach to numerology. Because as a subject it can seem a bit inaccessible from the outside and it shows a depth of insight to compress a great amount of knowledge into something that’s easy to understand and at the same time feels SO true. A knowledge-freak and wisdom-hunter like me loves that! ❤️
Your teaching gave me insights into me, and the inner fights that take place in my life when I try to balance two very different energies like my base number and yearly base number. It’s also fun to mirror my closest relationships in the base numbers. It simply gives me such a great understanding of why we’ve been fighting and have trouble reaching each other from our different standpoints. Especially when we’ve tried to do so from an unbalanced space. But also how we move on from here.
Thank you for making numerology available and demystifying it a bit. At its core, I now see the science of numbers and how they work on an energetic vibrational level - in our body and mind. For an alchemist like me, I get it all as long as I give myself time to digest all the data. Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️
Jolee Berthelsen
Yoga & Meditation Teacher
The Foundation 1
Oct. 21st & 22nd 2023
9 - 11am & 12 - 2pm
The Foundation 2
Nov. 11th & 12th 2023
9 - 11am & 12 - 2pm
The Numeroscope 1
Nov. 18th & 19th 2023
9 - 11am & 12 - 2pm
The Numeroscope 2
Dec 2nd & 3rd 2023
9 - 11am & 12 - 2pm
All times in PT/PST. All classes are held on Saturdays and Sundays. Dates and coursework are subject to change depending on the needs of each class.
Initiation into The Numerology School - Serving The Light
The History of Numerology
The 9 Base Numbers
The 42 Double Numbers
The Numerological Essence, Life Goals and Lessons
Accessing your Intuition
Integrating this new tool into your toolbox seamlessly
The Chaldean Alphabet
The Numeroscope and its Calculations
How to Read a Numeroscope + Case Studies
Assignments on Family Trees and Patterns of Attraction
Basic Numerology Readings
Ethics, Value & Energetic Exchanges
The Collective Cycles
Jan 6th & 7th , 2024
9 - 11am & 12 - 2pm
The Yearly Cycles
Jan 13th & 14th 2024
9 - 11 am & 12 - 2pm
Connecting The Dots
Jan. 27th (+ 28th) 2024
9 - 11 am & 12 - 2pm
All times in PT/PST. All classes are held on Saturdays and Sundays. Dates and coursework are subject to change depending on the needs of each class.
The Collective Cycles, Seasons and Patterns
Yearly, Monthly and Daily Vibrations Assignments on Forecasts
Looking Through Time - Divination for The World and the Collective
Yearly Cycles
The Calculation and Reading of the Yearly Cycles
Map Out Your Life.
Celebration and Graduation.
A Harmonious Name 1
Feb. 3rd & 4th 2024
9 - 11 am & 12 - 2pm
Homework check-in
Feb. 24th (& 25th) 2024
9 - 11 am & 12 - 2pm
A Harmonious Name 2
March 2nd & 3rd 2024
9 - 11 am & 12 - 2pm
The Name Change Sessions 1
March 23rd & 24th 2024
9 - 11 am & 12 - 2pm
The Name Change Sessions 2
April 13th & 14th 2024
9 - 11 am & 12-2pm
The Esoteric Connections
April 20th & 21st 2024
9 - 11 am & 12 - 2 pm
Your Spiritual Business
Graduation & Celebration
May 11th & 12th
9 am - 11am & 12 - 2pm
All times in PT/PST. All classes are held on Saturdays and Sundays. Dates and coursework are subject to change depending on the needs of each class.
The Initial Release
Harmonious Numeroscopes and how to find them
Creating your own Numeroscope Lists
Homework on finding Numeroscopes
Expanding your Numeroscope Lists
The Changing of Yearly Cycles
The Karmic Release in the Yearly Cycles
Honoring a Lineage
The Harmonious Numeroscopes
The Name Change - Creating Sacred and Safe Space
Opening, Channeling and Closing - Creating Your Own Ceremony
The Numbers in our Homes + Feng Shui
Pricing Real Estate and Influencing a House Number
Business Numeroscopes and Titles, Projects, and Pricing
Running a Spiritual Business
The Numerology Guild
Final Q&A, Certification + Celebration
A Professional Numerologist - what is that?
A professional numerologist understands and speaks the language of numbers and the vibration behind them. They know how different numbers act in connection to birthdates, names, homes, companies, dates, and winds of global change. They use this knowledge to uplift and support the people around them and the clients they serve. They know that using numerology purely for personal gain or stripping it of its spiritual core will only lead to disillusion. They share their gift with the world.
Through the training at The Numerology School, you can become a certified professional numerologist and join The Numerology Guild.
When you graduate and get certified you can claim this connection through our LinkedIn page, on Facebook and be added to the list of professional numerologists that the school recommends. You’ll receive branding materials you can use on your own website and beyond to distinguish yourself from other numerologists.
The Numerology School was founded in 2019 with the clear goal of supporting Chaldean numerology and the lightworkers that are called to spread awareness and transformation through it in the world.
The Numerology School wishes to clarify, organize, and create a community around the positive message that numerology can offer. We train the best and brightest numerologists to serve all souls who feel the call to elevate their life through name change and numerology.
The Numerology Guild
After graduation and the celebration of your journey, you’ll be invited to join The Numerology Guild. This is a way for you to get news, and keep sharing, learning, and deepening your understanding of numerology.
The guild is aimed at the graduates who wish to use numerology as part of their work, but everyone certified through The Numerology School is welcome to join. As a member of the guild, you’ll keep your access to our online learning space and continuously updated material when future classes get new and updated case studies, tools, etc.
The guild has its own online forum dedicated to sharing, networking, and more just as the support offered during your training. You can cancel or start your membership of the guild at any time. Depending on the level of interest and amount of members we will plan content exclusively for certified professional numerologists.
The guild is an intimate circle of esoteric knowledge holders. Together we stand stronger and reach wider as we share and continue the network and legacy of numerology and light work on the highest level.
1:1 Sessions with Novalee
As part of your training, you’ll be able to schedule two online 1:1 sessions with Novalee. These are meant as support in your learning. If you’ve yet to change your name, consider using the pay-in-full option and use your bonus session for your personal name change (Value $1750). Please book it at your earliest convenience.
The 1:1 sessions are for your benefit and you should prepare and plan what you’d like us to go over before the session. We can talk through calculations, themes, or concerns that you don’t want to share in a group forum. Examples of talking points could be your name change, the release, the names of your children, the names of animals, your personal process, your business numeroscope, your future as a numerologist, etc. You decide what you’d like to spend our time together on.
As part of your admission and acceptance into the training, you’ll receive links to book your sessions. If you haven't used or booked the sessions before the end of the training they expire.
Practical info
All the live classes are held online so you can join from anywhere in the world and they are always scheduled on weekends. The classes are a mix of practical and theoretical learning with time to dive into case studies, Q&As, and the student's own experiences and perspectives. The live calls will happen on Zoom, you'll receive the link to join before each live class and the recording of it after.
There is a limit to the amount of students in each class so there is time for personal attention, feedback, and guidance from me through exercises and assignments.
For each step in the training, you will get access to videos, PDFs, and worksheets that can be printed to be easily referenced. Most of the materials are of sacred nature so keep them safe.
The amount of material and homework will change from month to month. Some steps have a lot of written material and calculations, some have audio and video files and some have assignments - mandatory or as suggested practice before our live class or to integrate the use of the calculations you’ll learn. Please take responsibility for your own learning by doing your homework and showing up to class with an open and curious mind.
In between the classes and in the wake of the release of each new step, questions, reflections, and thoughts can arise. Please post these in the online space so everyone can benefit from the discussion and answers.
I found The Numerology School through the book A little Bit of Numerology. I was already studying Sound Healing so the concept of each number having a vibration appealed and rang true for me. I found this training when looking for answers about vibrations or frequency. The possibility of having a name change is a part of specifically Chaldean numerology that is fascinating, powerful and life-changing.
I loved the teaching shared on the karmic aspects to numbers, and the wonderful depth of understanding Novalee possesses. The thing that surprised me the most was the richness of the depth of the tapestry in this schooling, it's beyond valuable. Multi-layered.
As much as I don’t like figuring yearly cycles, this was a module I need more time with. Novalee patiently caught me up by preparing a video just for me to help me beyond the regular material. She is a patient and may I say loving teacher of this ancient art. Honestly, none of it is easy. It has a lot of depth but it changed my thinking in regards to cause and effects and I see it at work in my clients every day.
I would most assuredly recommend this schooling. If you’re serious about understanding the world of numbers you should sign up for this class. It’s such a good well-rounded education that opens even more doors and windows once you’ve stepped inside. If you are not earnestly seeking to understand this ancient art you will not want to put in the effort it takes to become a professional numerologist. This course takes work. You will not be able to just sit back and not engage.
I think it was a perfect mix of live and recorded material and I appreciated the time in between classes to integrate all the learning. I already use it to gain more insight into my client's challenges. I do plan to incorporate it into my existing Body Code business.
Claudia Burdick
Body Code Practitioner & Professional Numerologist, Montana.

Requirements for admission and certification
Beyond the call to study numerology, strong ethics, and a deep level of empathy, prospective students need to:
Have personal access to the internet and an email address.
Be able to devote at least 2-10 hours each week to reading, working on the material, and mastering the calculations.
Memorize the meaning of the material and be able to apply it in a personal way to each client or case study.
Learn from audio, video, written materials and live online teaching.
Attend the live online classes.
Communicate in English in a written and verbal format on the level (through a translator if need be) that each class requires.
Do 1st-grade addition without assistance.
To become a certified Professional Numerologist and get invited to join The Numerology Guild a student needs to:
Have paid the full tuition for the course.
Have a harmonious and supportive numeroscope and name.
Attend at least 75% of the online classes live.
Complete and turn in every mandatory assignment on time.
Show mastery of the tools given in a way that is sufficient for doing name change sessions and holding sacred space for clients.
I recommend that you have access to a printer and be able to print and keep the written materials and formulas collected for easy reference. You'll get checklists and how-to guides that would be great in laminated or thick card stock for your future private numerology sessions.
I bought the book A Little Bit About Numerology from Barnes & Noble and found it extremely interesting, this led me to Novalee for a reading and info about The Numerology School.
She described my life as it was then; I felt heard and understood. Many aspects of my life started to fall into place. It made perfect sense that the only common thread was my name which did not support my base number and as a result brought conflict with my true self. If I had known this in my 20's, life would have been so different. Chaldean Numerology not only looks at my name but also my relationships, homes, family, work and those I interact with. I was excited to be given the opportunity to learn this ancient and timeless knowledge so I can live my life closer to my true self and my dreams.
I feel that the training structure, which was very thought through to be supportive of each step that provided more depth to the process. Novalee were very supportive and it does take time to have that aha moment, which does come many times during the training. Each class was full of amazing information. When I think of numerology, I feel lighter and excited. It uplifts me and provides hope for the future.
The name vibrations and how they interact with each other depending upon the placement are valuable information. The Numeroscope itself, which tells so much of a person and their current life. There were times I felt such a responsibility and some fear of this knowledge, however, my inner voice kept me moving forward to learn and to allow the numbers to speak and for me to listen and understand what the numbers were saying, which in itself is a gift and treasure. Novalee provided a safe space that allowed me and my classmates to share and express ourselves. It gave me an amazing insight into the world for myself and those close to me where actions of understanding, compassion and love were expressed. The yearly cycles are invaluable and provide a map that can steer decisions/ actions into the future.
I was challenged in the beginning - learning the name vibrations - then how they speak to each other depending upon the base number. I needed to find the time, to practice and listen, do the numeroscopes of family, friends and famous people. Re-read and feel the numbers as they talk to each other. Trust. I was surprised by how much numbers impact every aspect of my life, through my name and environment, my close relationships, family, work, home, and businesses.
The Numeroscope calculations were easy and I found the yearly cycles fascinating to do. I really like the videos because I can go back and listen again and again. The case studies are important and the materials provided are priceless and enriched the teachings.
I would recommend The Numerology School to others. I’m excited to develop my practice as a professional numerologist, I've learned so much during the 9-month course that I wish I could quit everything else and just do Chaldean Numerology in all its aspects for others.
Marjorie Sorensen
Professional Numerologist, North Carolina.
Tuition, Scholarships & Admission
Enrollment is closed for group classes. Sign up for the list and to get notified about the next enrollment. Admission is by application only. One Partial Diversity Scholarship is available reducing the tuition by 25%, please note your interest in the admissions form.

1:1 (There are currently no 1:1 spots left)
Learn from and work 1:1 with Novalee.
Enroll and start the training at any time.
100+ hours of live 1:1 classes.
Space out your classes to fit your learning speed.
Ability to join the group classes for extra support.
Online Learning Space. Written Materials, Audio and Video Files for each step of the Training.
Certificate of Completion from The Numerology School.
Invitation to Join The Numerology Guild.
1:1 tuition starts at $15000
Payment plans* available upon request.
Class with max. 9 Students.
All classes are held on Saturdays and Sundays.
Enrollment closed. Classes start in Fall 2024.
One 1:1 support call w. Novalee is included for each course.
Online Learning Space + Community. Written Materials, Audio and Video Files for each step of the Training.
Certificate of Completion from The Numerology School
Invitation to Join The Numerology Guild.
Foundational + Advanced Course has 100+ hours of live classes taught by Novalee.
Group tuition is $5500 for each course,
Save $1500 by paying in full for both. $9500
PAY IN FULL BONUS: Extra 1:1 call with Novalee, which can be used for your Personal Name Change.
Payment plans* available upon request.