November is here and as we move through the last two months of 2020 and Scorpio season with all its deep and instinctual layers - there is magic in the air. This magic can be used for deep spiritual insights or to rip through the veil of illusions. The energy this month tugs on the aspects in us that are addicted to the chaos of our lives, the part that finds pleasure in being seduced by the flashing lights from screens, gossip from our friends, and drama in our relationships.
The energy of November is tied to the need for belonging: to a group, a scene, a movement, or an idea. Many people are waking up from roles of quiet oblivion or spectatorship. Maybe you are recognizing how some of the roles you’re playing in life are performative or fear-based in nature. Like a hamster spinning in a wheel, the previous momentum is still carrying you forward even though the goal seems hollow and paper-thin.
This month we shed the masks and look behind the scenes. I’m expecting the drama to be so over the top that even the blind can see the charades clearly. We will see people in power try to pull the wool over the eyes of the world and play make-believe to keep themselves on the stage.
To work with this energy in a positive way question the thought patterns and emotional releases that come up. If you work with spiritual tools or practices spend extra time clearing and grounding yourself before engaging with them.Â
Mercury goes direct on November 3rd and Mars on November 13th. People will choose indirect action, detours, and maybe even sneaky ways of moving forward with projects or expressing their desires. There is a lack of straight answers. When the planet of action and aggression is looking backward we will be inclined to look at old anger and disagreements from a new perspective and may feel ready to work it out.
I was so lucky to win a tarot mentorship with Stace Coplin and am working with her right now. I drew three cards for November and will be adding that element to the forecasts, for now, to try it out! Let me know what you think of this extra aspect of the monthly forecast.
Cards from the Aquarian Tarot by David Palladini: Temperance, The Queen of Swords, and 7 of Swords
Temperance points to our purpose and the art of letting go. It speaks of patience and reminds me of the 'A house divided against itself cannot stand' speech by Abraham Lincoln. The higher realm we pull our values from is also where we find the stones to build our foundation. We can't compromise our vision even if it means that the road to get there gets longer.
Queen of Swords points to the need for clear unbiased communication and boundaries. She speaks of independent thinking and is in service of the future. She asks you to have the tough conversations, now.
7 of Swords points to someone getting away with deception or cutting corners. Pace yourself and don't commit to tasks that might stretch beyond your powers.
100% Love
Novalee Wilder
Professional Numerologist + Author
PS: Check out the new offering The Full Reading!