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The Numerology Forecast - December 2018

frost bitten fall leaves with the words December and Novalee Wilder on top.

December is upon us and with it your final monthly forecast for 2018! This year we’ve been ‘underwater’ and deep in the feminine process of remembering, healing and making emotional sense of our journey. Wherever you are in your own yearly cycles, life rhythm or season of life, you’ll have felt the global vibration to some extent. A big part of being in the space of processing is that actions aren’t as seemingly simple to take as one would like. You might have felt resistance around making big outwardly strides in your business, life or living situation. But the inner work has been deep and 2019 will show you the rewards of this ‘underwater’ process.

If you’re the kind of person who likes to get an overview of the process then re-reading a few of the global monthly vibrations of 2018 can help:

After the Venus in retrograde period and while we’re still in Mercury retrograde territory (until December 6th) we’re looking in the rear-view mirror. When Mercury goes direct you'll feel December’s global vibration more clearly and also the budding energy of 2019 gathering forces behind the scenes. And what glorious forces they are! But they will have to wait until the yearly forecast for 2019 at the end of December to arrive in your inbox.

December with all its festivities and family gatherings always brings us a vibration of staying in your own lane and not getting caught up in trying to please others. Don’t get sucked into the drama, settling for low vibe groups and thinking that you can actually fix anyone else’s mess. Which is also why December can be so trying to get through since that lesson is lifelong and comes around each year.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

- Polish proverb that's very applicable every holiday season.

This December also has a very different energy to offer: The vibration of speaking your truth, listening to your own voice and making sure to create and embrace a space where that’s possible. Ah, how wonderfully challenging in all the best ways! So how can you make the most of this monthly vibrational buffet?

Find safe spaces to speak and listen to YOU. Be it journaling, talking through a challenge or expansion with a friend, lover, therapist, group, mastermind or mentor. Really pay attention to the words, phrases, and ideas that you’re using. Listen to the story you’re telling yourself and accepting as the truth right now. Listen to your own voice in the world. Let it be heard. Take responsibility for the message you’re sending out and taking in. Because your actions should now follow the words you’re dispatching. Words are actions and decisions. No one should take action or make decisions for you unless you’ve expressly given them that power.

If you don’t take words and matters into your own hands you’ll feel the energy restlessly accumulating and start to make relationships and financial situations problematic.

Make sure your words are true and followed by inspired action. And on the other hand, make sure that your actions are aligned with your words and intuition in any given situation. Doing one thing and saying another will backfire more than usual this month.

100% Love

Novalee Wilder

Professional Numerologist + Author

PS: Are you looking for gifts for the spiritually inclined people in your life? Or writing out your own wish-list? Check out the numerological gift certificates. If you need a gift certificate with a bigger or smaller $ amount than what's shown on the booking page, email me and I'll make it happen.


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