I’m feeling all summery while writing this forecast because it’s finally warming up here in New York and I’ve made lemonade from scratch today – yay! May has landed and I simply love the vibration it’s bringing us. It’s like the foundation work and the clearing out that Mercury in retrograde and April brought us has paved the way for May’s intention, which is rebuilding your outlook on life with love. May is bringing us summer vibes, higher love and I'm so here for this month's vibration!

If you need a refresher on the yearly Numerological forecast find it here and if you’d like some perspective on what April brought to the table, check out last month’s forecast here.
Last month held a very nurturing vibration; this could have brought up old wounds for you because when love asks us to expand, what no longer serves us needs to be released.
In May the loving vibration is kicked up a notch, it spins in a higher perspective and asks you to ‘connect the love dots’ so to speak. There could have been conversations or situations in April that made you look at old relationships with new eyes and May is now allowing the higher story arcs to unfold. You could have sudden insights this month that will lead you to revise your viewpoints or alter the emotions you have about the people in your life. Maybe you’ll even gain insights into how it would be to walk in someone else’s shoes for a bit.
"May always brings us a theme of communication and exchange. It’s a great month to launch new ventures, especially anything that connects people and brings us all closer together." - Novalee Wilder
As this year is showing us, patience is key if you want to build a strong platform whether it is in business or at home. The general theme this year is not about rampant growth or rapid returns on your investments. It’s about nurturing, reconnecting and recognizing the things that we as humans all share, deserve and want: Love, safety, connection and a sense of belonging. If there ever was a time to play the game of life with an open heart and trust in the universe, this year and the month of May would be it. That’s it for this month’s numerological forecast.
Now I’ve been very busy behind the scenes, as I’ve felt the need to connect my own dots and the people I serve. This means that a new – all Danish - website has been born. And I’ve opened up my booking page for the times I’ll be available for in-person sessions in central Copenhagen, DK this summer and fall. If you’re not in DK, don’t fret – Zoom sessions are available too!
100% Love
PS: I’ve expanded my name change sessions with an exclusive 12-month video support bonus. This makes the Release part of a name change a lot easier and helps you gain perspective on the process. Read more about my sessions here.