I've thought a lot lately about what it means to wake up with respect to privilege, spirituality and general personal growth. Waking up to the real state of affairs can be painful in the world of privilege, no matter if it's white/racial, gender, able-ism, hetero sexual, socioeconomic, religious, spiritual or any other kind there is.

Part of waking up means taking responsibility for how we move forward and influence this 'new' state of affairs.
As I have woken up through the last couple of years I've taken steps toward adjusting and forming my impact on the world around me. I feel like this awakening has happened simultaneously with shifts on both a global level and in all the social or professional circles I've worked my way through. This means that I’ve actually become aware of the currents that have risen from counter or subculture to the mainstream media but as I interpret my esoteric knowledge and read the news it all correlates and intertwines.
I think you too have seen or experienced the pain, anger and confusion that come from being shaken up and into a new normal and also embraced the joy, love and expansive growth that comes from waking up and removing the confines of i.e. spiritual restraints.
This awakening even spills over and into the changes that are happening in my work as a Professional Numerologist.
As I’m waking up to the possibilities and figuring out how far reaching my work can be I’m also making sure that I can sustain and contribute beyond my own life.
The price increase on all my offerings will among other things make sure that every time a session is booked, MADRE and POLARIS are getting part of the payment. I want to help build a future of equality and just like with any goal there is no way to make it happen except to start funding it right now. Click the links above to read more about the two non-profit organizations you and I'll be supporting.
As you might have noticed I’ve been quiet on Instagram and Facebook. I’ve been brewing on more authentic content and how to be of service while having fun. This has led to some radio silence and also made me change my weekly newsletter and blog schedule to be less structured in an effort to make sure you get quality over quantity. I want to give you high-vibe content only. Remember that there is always the blog archives to dig into if you're craving a dose of Numerology insights.
Aligning your actions with your beliefs is a surefire way of seeing tangible results that feed your heart.
The world needs more than just our love and light so this week I’m sending you the prompt to put action behind your words.
100% Love