Numerology and name change is a growing market that attracts both lightworkers, celebrities, and everyone with an open mind. It can be hard to navigate the waters and find the right person to trust and work with. When I changed my name I used the only numerologist in my network because I simply couldn't find or figure out how to sift through the people I found online. By creating lots of free content here I make it easier to gather information and find the best Numerologist for you. Here are my top 5 tips for choosing the right Numerologist:

1. Check out the market. Google is your best friend, look for Numerologists online, in your area, or someone who might have a background in something you relate to. Read their blogs, about pages, and testimonials. Sign up for some newsletters and figure out if you like their vibe. Notice what puts you off or attracts you to the ones you find. Do you have friends or family who’ve used a Numerologist? Ask them what they thought of the experience and if they would recommend the person. Be wary of anyone promising you fast fame, fortune, or who use fear as a tactic to get your business.
2. Understand the price range. In general, price follows expertise, solid training, and what the package you're getting includes. You can get a $9.99 online name calculator to spit out a random new name in a second. Most trained numerologists will offer a name change session in the $400-$2000 range. If you're paying more than $2000 you're either paying for a “celebrity” numerologist or a package that includes extra yearly cycles or other extra features (i.e. follow up sessions to deal with the release) Anything in the $350 and lower range could be a sign of lack of training or a start-up offer, and results may be a hit or miss with someone just starting out.
3. Vet the Numerologist if possible. Does this person have a track record of happy/unhappy clients? Do they have testimonials? Do they claim to have discovered “new knowledge” every 6 months and are therefore making their clients return for a tune-up fueled by doubt? Do they respond to questions, emails, or if you engage on their social media? Do you like their tone and the feel you get from them?
4. Know what you're getting. So you found a Numerologist you like, you’ve booked a session and let the butterfly storm loose in your stomach. If all goes well then you'll have the session, change your name legally and experience the joy of journeying home to your core essence! But what happens if something feels off? Is the Numerologist available if your ‘Release’ is rocky? Can you contact them if you have questions later on? Make sure that the person you are dealing with offers information and is available all the way through. If it feels like they slam the door behind their clients and ignore any questions or feedback after sessions (or if you hear about this kind of behavior in your vetting) think twice before booking with them.
Look at what you get. A full name change package should include:
A walkthrough of your base number(s), life lessons, and goals.
An in-depth reading of your current numeroscope.
A new numeroscope and explanation of the new name vibrations.
Name lists with lots of names to choose your new name from.
Yearly cycles at least 7 years into the future and the pinpoint of your karmic release.
Are there any additional features in the session? I've added a 12 month video bonus to my Name Change Session to make sure my clients get everything they need from me in the first year after their official name change. Make sure your Numerologist has your back.
5. Go with your gut and intuition. Browse all the info the Numerologist you're looking into has put out there. Read about his/her sessions. How are the services presented? Do you get a solid feeling of them? Reach out and ask questions. Is the response warm? Or do you get brushed off? Remember, a name change is a big decision and you should feel safe and trust the person you pick to raise your vibration. If you feel insecure or uneasy about interacting with someone, I'd walk away immediately. Finding the right Numerologist can be a little daunting, please invest time and be patient. If you find someone you like but can’t afford right now, reach out and see if you can work something out, i.e. payment in installments.
6. Bonus tip. Knowing what I know now, the price is very low on my list of concerns. If I had to book a session with any kind of esoteric expert – be it healer, palm reader, astrologer, medium or numerologist. I'd need a deeply compassionate, ethical, warm, direct, and service-minded person to be the best fit for me. Figure out what is important to you and you’ll be a giant step closer to picking out the best person to help you on a new path in life.
100% Love
Novalee Wilder
Professional Numerologist + Author
PS: Feel like I might be the right fit for you? Find out how to work with me here. PPS: Got questions? My FAQ has all the answers.