Professional Numerologist, Writer
& Name Change Expert

Discover yourself through your unique numbers,
Welcome to my universe of numbers and name changes! I’m Novalee, actress & artist turned Professional Numerologist & writer and name-hange expert, based in Los Angeles.
I believe life should be fun and spirituality should validate - not alienate. Lifting people to the next level and holding safe space for clients to take in all that they’re here to do is a joy and privilege.
I see all of you and know that you deserve a life abundant with love, unique, and fulfilling to the core. You're not on this earth to simply get by - you're here to thrive!
Choose your own adventure!
Study at The Numerology School to become a Professional Numerologist.
Listen to The Numerology Podcast on your favorite podcast platform.
Join the 25,000+ readers of A Little Bit of Numerology and order your copy today.
Order A Little Bit of Angel Numbers to translate the messages from the universe!
Before I found numerology and changed my name...
I grew up in Denmark but in 2014 I fell head over heels in love with New York City and moved there to study acting. In 2015 I changed my name and after that, the universe kept opening new doors as the love of my life showed up, we won the Greencard lottery and got to stay and work in the US together.
I love Numerology not only because it changed my life but because it made new worlds and insights available in ways that other spiritual tools had promised but never delivered on. This esoteric science gives us access to magic and transformation on the deepest levels.